Waste Treatment:

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Biogas production:

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Power generation:

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Waste incineration:

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Sweeping of public roads:

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Waste collection:

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Complementary cleaning services:

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Our services

With an innovative profile, Vital is always seeking excellence in the provision of services. We have modern Waste Treatment and Environmental Management Centers, we provide several integrated solutions in the Management of Public Cleaning Services, we stimulate the circular economy through selective collection, recycling, composting, energy generation and production of biogas from the decomposition of solid household waste disposed of in our Waste Treatment Centers (CTR’s).

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We believe that the sustainable use of the environment is an essential condition for business development and success.

We fully comply with current legislation and environmental standards.

We actively participate in environmental awareness actions.

We use natural resources without harming the environment.

We store and dispose of waste in accordance with current regulations.

We opt for the use, whenever possible, of renewable or recyclable material.

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We have modern Waste Treatment and Environmental Management Centers, we provide several integrated solutions in the Management of Public Cleaning Services.

Social and Environmental Responsability

Vital seeks to integrate itself into the communities where it operates, through the development of social and environmental projects, based on ethics, transparency and sustainability.

Ethics and Conduct

Ensuring full excellence in the development and execution of our business, with integrity, is everyone’s duty and responsibility.

Curiosity tips

Use both sides of the paper and print your documents only when necessary.

When washing your vehicle, use a bucket and cloth instead of a hose and save up to 90% of water.

Whenever possible, use rainwater to water your plants and wash the sidewalk.

When building or renovating, give preference to use rainwater and replace flush valves with flush tanks.

Avoid using plastic bags. Whenever you go to the grocery store, use reusable bags.

Have your vehicle checked regularly to make it less polluting and more economical.

Get around, whenever possible, by bike, walking or public transport, this way you help reduce pollution, in addition to getting physical exercise.

Dispose of your batteries in appropriate places. They cannot be discarded together with common waste, as they contain heavy metals that are highly toxic to health and the environment.

Whenever available in your city, take part in selective collection and recycling programs, encouraging the circular economy.

The Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility is a civil society organization of public interest created in 1998 to promote and disseminate socially responsible business practices, helping companies and society to achieve socially, economically and environmentally sustainable development.

Vital Engenharia Ambiental is a company associated with the Ethos Institute and adopts the concept of social responsibility applied to the management of our business, translating an ethical commitment aimed at creating values for all customers with whom the company interacts: shareholders, employees, community, suppliers, government and environment. This initiative ratifies Vital’s commitment to its VALUES and to a business model based on ethics, transparency and sustainability.